Bryce Hensley
Official Website of Country Music Singer & Professional Athlete Bryce Hensley
About Bryce
When I was about five years old I got my first guitar, and although I had no clue how to play it that didn’t stop me from writing songs and strumming along. When I finally decided...

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Bryce Hensley hits all the right notes
HIGH POINT, N.C. — High Point Rockers pitcher Bryce Hensley takes his job on the mound very seriously. For 26 years, Hensley has honed his craft, becoming one of the best pitchers on the team. However, baseball isn’t his only passion. As a young child, some of Hensley’s earliest memories are of listening to music …
Bryce Hensley: Rockers Pitcher, Budding Music Star
June 21, 2021 – Atlantic League (AtL) – High Point Rockers News Release High Point Rockers pitcher Bryce Hensley (High Point Rockers) Tuesday night (June 22), Bryce Hensley will walk into a stadium, just like he does every day. Only this stadium will be a little different. It won’t be the ballpark that he is used to entering as …
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WNC Star Bryce Hensley Stopped By
Born and raised in Asheville, North Carolina, Bryce Hensley was a graduate of A.C. Reynolds High School. Bryce went on to pursue an education and collegiate baseball career at Catawba Valley Community College and later at UNC Greensboro. He played select shows and performed at local dive bars while home on breaks from school, but kept a …
Bryce Hensley Chase His “Small Town Dreams”
If it wasn’t for the events of the past year, Bryce Hensley’s musical dreams may have been just that, dreams. In March of last year, Hensley found himself at spring training with the Kansas City Royals, when COVID hit Hensley was sent home along with all of the other Royal hopefuls. Faced, with an increasing …